Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things I Actually Like About Snow

i guess i can't really complain... making it to mid November without snow 
is pretty good i think. 

but today was the day. 

and ya know what... i wasn't even mad about it.

 it was quite lovely actually. 

  • After the leaves fall and the mountains turn brown- snow makes them look pretty again
  • For some reason it feels warmer when it snows... I prefer this than -2 degrees, thank you
  • It is now too late to hike Mt. Timp like Ry wanted to.... maybe next year ;)
  • You get to wear cozy socks and mittens 
  • Cuddling - preferably while watching The Holiday
  • Though I'm not really a winter sport person skiing/snowboarding is pretty fun the first couple times down the hill.. until you freeze to death on the ski lift- seriously, that's the worst part
  • Dad's caramel hot chocolate (Dad we need a refill)
  • Throw blankets- good thing we received 8 from our wedding- thank you all
  • I can start making winter crafts 
  • It feels one step closer to CHRISTMAS!! (i know i shouldn't skip over Thanksgiving... but i'm just so dang excited for christmas)
so happy first snowfall everyone 

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