Monday, March 23, 2015

DIY: Calligraphy Script Font

Lately I've been loving all the calligraphy/watercolor script fonts out there. You can find some good ones for free, but the really good ones all cost like $20. Maybe that's a good price for a font? I don't really know. All I know is that I don't really want to pay $20 for a font. 

So i made my own. 

I'm still surprised it actually worked, but it totally did! And it was sooo easy.

1. Go to and print off the pdf letter template and just fill it in

 - Note: when it says "use a black felt pen"- you actually have to use a black felt pen or else it doesn't work. I first wrote it in pencil cause my handwriting is better in pencil and it didn't upload, so I had to trace it in marker. Also you do actually have to stay within the inner auxiliary lines or else some of your letters will get cut off. Crazy how you have to follow directions... 

2. Scan your letters in
3. Upload the pdf onto the website
4. Click Start
5. Hooray, you have your very own font! 
as you can see.. i didn't follow instructions so some of my letters are a tad bit cut off... but i still really like it! 

And the best part is- it's totally free! 
So you can make as many as your heart desires. 
I'll probably make like 10. 

Happy lettering.


  1. Wendy! You're so cute! And yes, you may, if I can figure out how to let you download it :) But really some of the letters are cut off a little bit, so I'm gonna make a better one and then give it to you somehow :)

  2. Hey Lindsay! You don't know me personally, but my hubby and I worked with Ryan in Moab. I'm glad I found your blog!
    Funny, just this last week I wanted to make my own font, so I did this exact thing, and now have had the biggest urge to learn calligraphy! So I'm on the same page you were when you posted this!
    Hope you guys are well, and maybe someday we'll be able to meet you!
